Contact us!
Monday through Friday we are available from 09:30 AM to 06:30 PM. On Saturdays, you can reach us from 12:30 AM til 06:30 AM.
By Email: [email protected]

By phone: 0800 83 60 900

Head Office
Mobydisc mobile Diskotheken GmbH
Oberstraße 2a
61462 Königstein
[email protected]
Mobydisc is available in the following cities and metropolitan areas. However, the largest part of communication goes through our main office in Königstein. We prefer to coordinate enquiries and offers from there. Still, these are the local phone numbers of our other branches:
DJ Berlin
Wedding and Event DJs in Berlin
Telephone 0800 8360900
DJ Düsseldorf
You can enquire about our wedding and event DJs in Düsseldorf here:
Telephone 0211 23704907
DJ Frankfurt
If you live in Frankfurt, you probably know that Königstein is just around the corner. Please dial:
0800 8360900
DJ Hamburg
If you are looking for a DJ in Hamburg or its surroundings, please dial:
040 306987955
DJ Cologne
You can directly contact our Cologne DJs here:
0221 16256808
DJ Munich
Can't leave old good old Munich:
089 121400738
DJ Stuttgart
To find a DJ in Stuttgart and its surroundings, simply dial:
0711 89244600